What’s the Hangover Cure from Boredom and Unoriginality?

By Tom Pacak Last Monday, I walked into the local theater to see “Christopher Robin.” It was a 4:30 showing and my mind could use some entertainment. Keep in mind; I had a dentist appointment to get some cavities filled. My gums and mind were numb. Immediately, I saw four groups of parents, each having a pair of energetic kids. I decided not to see the movie because it looked like the kids would be loud and obnoxious. I regret that. If anything, the kids would have been the best part of “Christopher Robin.” Instead, I went to the 9:30 showing with nobody there. For any other movie, I would have been fine. Attending tonight shows is one of my favorite hobbies. But not “Christopher Robin,” a boring kids flick about the same cliché: in order to connect with your kids, you have to connect with your childhood. To be completely honest, I’ve never been a fan of Disney remaking old animated classics into live-action movies. I didn’t like 2016’s “The Jungle Book” (except for Bill...