I Will Survive

By Tom Pacak Dear Aspiring Directors and Writers, This is how you do a thriller! Director Steve McQueen masterfully gives us a thriller that pins us to our seats but also gives us something to think about. “Widows” is an entertaining as hell heist flick that I’ve been waiting to see for years. The Oceans movies (which I love) focus more on the con itself but not really on the characters. The characters are cool but that’s really it. They steal for fun and revenge. In “Widows,” the characters planning the heist, are stealing for survival. Their husbands are con men but the widows have nothing and everything to lose. Since seeing “Widows,” I’ve looked at the box office receipts and they haven’t been well. The film managed to place fifth at the box office with an opening at $12361307. The film since then has had receipts around the one million mark on Monday and Tuesday. Despite being a great movie, the marketing for “Widows” has been poor. The poster for...