Best Movies of 2018

By Tom Pacak 2018 was an oddball year for me. I fractured my hip running, swam a lot, did a cross-country road trip with one of my best friends, and most importantly; I started this blog. “Last Week At The Movies” is probably my biggest accomplishment in 2018 not because I won anything, but I got to enhance my knowledge of cinema and what makes a great movie. I saw a lot of stellar movies over the year, which made writing about them a lot easier. I reviewed over 58 films, which isn’t bad considering my very busy schedule with school and swimming. Here are the top ten movies I saw over this year: 1. Roma : Director Alfonso Cuarón puts passion in every frame in this poetic story about a family growing up in Mexico City during the 1970s. “Roma” is the movie of the year because it’s the only film that feels right being number one. I’ve tried every film on this list and Roma is the only one that works. The film f...