Avengers Plus Selected Others Assemble!!

By Tom Pacak Friday, I had the opportunity to do what every person will be doing this weekend, next weekend, and the weekend after the next. I saw “Avengers: Infinity War.” It was exhilarating seeing people jump out of their seats during intense moments and when the audience applauded when their favorite Avenger showed up to kick some ass. For all of those scared of seeing spoilers in this review, you’re in luck. Here is the mostly spoiler-free rundown of the epic “Avengers: Infinity War.” Taking place after the events of “Thor: Ragnarok” and “Black Panther”, the Avengers are back to stop their biggest and most evil threat yet, Thanos (Josh Brolin). Thanos is the intergalactic bad guy out to steal all of the remaining infinity stones. Brolin does a great job of showing a psychopath who justifies homicide due to a growing population on Earth. Thanos believes this because his planet of Titan had half of its population destroyed. He was one of the only survivor...